Mikraft Jewelry

Mikraft jewelryand repairs 1794 meriden rd wolcott connecticut 06716 rated 5 based on 18 reviews mike is the best.
Mikraft jewelry. Don t miss out on a good jewelry deal. We provide services no other jewelry stores offer including stones and diamonds set while the customer watches for confidence and trust. After a few years we went public and opened our first retail store on thomaston ave. 203 879 7464 1794 meriden rd wolcott ct 06716.
203 879 ring 879 7464 established in 1991 mikraft started as a repair shop for local jewelry stores that didn t have their own jewelers. See reviews photos directions phone numbers and more for the best jewelry repairing in waterbury ct. Authors unique products for production of which used unusual and rather coarse materials. For the romantic in you take a chance on a piece of jewelry from mikraft jewelry and repairs today.
Elite mikraft jewelry with hints of jewelry made out of pure handmaded silver or gold plated steel. He has done numerous repairs. In order not to use precious stones masters began to add a murano glass favored by everyone artificial pearls and elegant transparent minerals. When it comes to jewelry shopping in wolcott only one name comes to mind mikraft jewelry and repairs no matter what type of vehicle you drive you can find safe parking options nearby.
Mikraft jewelry and repairs 1794 meriden rd wolcott connecticut 06716 rated 5 based on 1 review i walked in one day and saw mike to fix my mothers. For jewelry that s one of a kind try on the pieces at mikraft jewelry repair in waterbury ample parking is located near mikraft jewelry repair. Mikraft jewelryand repairs 1794 meriden rd wolcott connecticut 06716 rated 5 based on 24 reviews mike is the best. In waterbury and have been serving the public with exceptional design and repairing of jewelry since.

In waterbury and have been serving the public with exceptional design and repairing of jewelry since.
Mikraft jewelry. Don t miss out on a good jewelry deal. We provide services no other jewelry stores offer including stones and diamonds set while the customer watches for confidence and trust. After a few years we went public and opened our first retail store on thomaston ave. 203 879 7464 1794 meriden rd wolcott ct 06716.
203 879 ring 879 7464 established in 1991 mikraft started as a repair shop for local jewelry stores that didn t have their own jewelers. See reviews photos directions phone numbers and more for the best jewelry repairing in waterbury ct. Authors unique products for production of which used unusual and rather coarse materials. For the romantic in you take a chance on a piece of jewelry from mikraft jewelry and repairs today.
Elite mikraft jewelry with hints of jewelry made out of pure handmaded silver or gold plated steel. He has done numerous repairs. In order not to use precious stones masters began to add a murano glass favored by everyone artificial pearls and elegant transparent minerals. When it comes to jewelry shopping in wolcott only one name comes to mind mikraft jewelry and repairs no matter what type of vehicle you drive you can find safe parking options nearby.
Mikraft jewelry and repairs 1794 meriden rd wolcott connecticut 06716 rated 5 based on 1 review i walked in one day and saw mike to fix my mothers. For jewelry that s one of a kind try on the pieces at mikraft jewelry repair in waterbury ample parking is located near mikraft jewelry repair. Mikraft jewelryand repairs 1794 meriden rd wolcott connecticut 06716 rated 5 based on 24 reviews mike is the best.